Are you an adult who is interested in joining the Catholic faith? Or are you an adult who needs to complete some of your Sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation and/or Eucharist)? If so, OCIA is for you!
OCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is more than going to classes on Catholicism. It is undergoing a conversion to a new way of life in Christ. It is important to understand that OCIA is a “process”, not a “program”. OCIA is the Church’s way of forming disciples of Jesus Christ and the way the Catholic Church welcomes its newest members at the Easter Vigil.
We gather together on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:30 in the St. Francis Room beginning on the last Sunday of September. There is no cost to be part of this process.
For more information about this process, please contact John Masterson.